We live in a visual world where it is easier for a person to see something rather than to read facts. Your LinkedIn profile is no exception, and your LinkedIn profile picture should possibly be the most crucial picture you have out on social media. Despite this many people are simply satisfied with irrelevant unprofessional pictures or no pictures at all, resulting in less positive attention to their LinkedIn profile. This following article will instruct you on all the essential points about your LinkedIn profile picture.
Should I have a LinkedIn Profile Picture?
If you seriously want people to take notice of your LinkedIn profile, then you absolutely need a LinkedIn profile picture. There is a sense of trust when someone can visualize a picture of someone. Without seeing your picture, potential clients or employers will have less trust in you. A LinkedIn profile picture is so crucial that it is almost no point having a LinkedIn profile if you do not have a profile picture.
Use an Actual Picture of You on LinkedIn! Ok, so you might think that you can get away with using a cartoon or other image as your LinkedIn profile picture, but this would not be advised. The reason is a cartoon photo or using another image is beyond unprofessional looking. In all seriousness, it would be like interviewing for a job or meeting a potential client wearing a cartoon character costume. Another obvious important point is to use an actual picture of you and not someone else. Unfortunately, some people do not like the way they look, so; they use someone else’s picture. What is the point of having a picture of someone else? It will look ridiculous when someone meets you, and you are somebody else.
Do Not Use an Old Picture of You for Your LinkedIn Profile
Again, what is the point in using an old picture of yourself on LinkedIn as it will make you appear dishonest when you meet someone face to face via LinkedIn? A lot of people want to make themselves look younger, which is understandable, but in the context of an honest representation of yourself, using an old picture will just make you appear disingenuous. Think of going on a blind date with someone based on a photo, and when you meet up with that person, the person is ten years older than you thought. How successfully do you think that blind date would be? The answer is, of course, would be no and should give you the idea of how ridiculous it is to use a dated picture of yourself.
Should I use a Professional Photographer for My LinkedIn Profile?
As mentioned, your LinkedIn profile picture is your most important social media picture, so, therefore, it must be a fantastic representation of you looking your best. If this can be done by someone you know who can take a good photo, then there is no need to go to a professional! If you do not have someone who can take a great picture of you, go to a professional with a superb reputation for taking professional headshots. The cost will vary from country and location, but I recommend spending money on someone who can take a picture of you looking at your ultimatum best. You can look at Google to see reviews of the photographer as well as ask for samples of their work to gauge how good they are.
What Clothes Should I Wear for My LinkedIn Profile Picture?
If someone works in most professional white-collar industries, I recommend wearing what you would typically wear to work. If you wear suits to work, wear that in your LinkedIn profile picture. If you wear business casual in your industry, wear business casual in your picture. If your industry is known for casual attire like IT or start-ups, then that is what you should wear in your picture. For medical professionals like a nurse, I would even recommend wearing scrubs.
Look Professional but Not Stiff
You want to appear professional but not so stiff that you do not look approachable. Your picture should incorporate your smile and not a closed body language. People gravitate to positive and happy people so, your photo must generate positive vibes and reactions.
Use a Head Shot for Your LinkedIn Profile Picture
Your LinkedIn profile should not be a full-body shot because when you upload it, no one will be able to make out your face when they see your profile. Therefore, headshots are best and can include your neck and part of your upper body.
What kind of file should I use for my LinkedIn Profile Picture?
For your LinkedIn picture, only use JPEC or PNG files as anything else will not be excepted by LinkedIn and will be rejected. Be careful with PNG as, in some cases, the file will be too large to upload.
What image size should my LinkedIn profile picture be?
The perfect LinkedIn profile image is 400 x 400 pixels. It can be no larger than 8 MB, as well it can not surpass 4320 pixels in height or 7680 in width measurements. Basically, you are trying to have the right image size without being such a strong resolution or size it will not be excepted by LinkedIn.
Final Thoughts on Your LinkedIn Profile Picture
You want people to notice your LinkedIn profile picture in a positive way, therefore, use the recommendations in this article to create a picture that will get positive attention from the audience you want to attract.