Many job seekers question if they should include their middle name or middle initial on their resume. This article will explain when you should use your middle name or middle initial on your resume.
Write the name you are most known for
If you are most known for not using your middle name or middle initial, there is no need to list them on your resume. It could confuse hiring managers to add this extra name identifier. A rule of thumb is only to list your middle name or middle initial on your resume if this is what you usually go by.
Be consistent with using your middle name
You need to be consistent when using your middle name or middle initial on all your job applications and social media properties. Again, consistency is important not to confuse potential hiring managers.
If you use your middle name list it on your resume
If you are known for your middle name or middle initial, then be consistent and ensure you list them on your resume.
Should I use my middle name or Middle Initial?
Again, this comes down to which one you use regularly. If you use your middle initial more often, then be consistent and keep to that on all your job applications, resumes, and social media properties.
What if you have a common name?
In cases where your name is common, I would recommend using a middle name to distinguish you from any possible job seeker with a similar name. It is recommended to use your middle name or middle initial to distinguish you from other job seekers in these cases. For example, if your name is Mike Smith, there are over 15,020 Mike Smiths with that name on LinkedIn. With a common name like that, you must include your middle name to something that gives you separation from other Dave Smiths.
Please see below a picture to illustrate how common a name can be

Put credential identifier with your name
In cases where your name is common, you might add a credential with or without your middle name or middle initial as a self-identifier. For example, if your name is Mike Smith and you have your CPA, you might write on your resume Mike Ryan Smith, CPA. This will at least separate you from the many Mike Smith’s in the world.
What do I do?
You might be surprised how common a name can be. My name Steven Mostyn seems relatively uncommon, but there are at least 4 people of note with my name that includes a famous deceased lawyer and political fundraiser, a famous music producer, and a world-renowned academic at Oxford. I might have written 3 bestselling books, but other well-known parties also have my name. I choose to go as Steven Mostyn with my MBA as my self identifier in social media to separate myself from other Steven Mostyn’s as there are no other Steven Mostyn’s currently who have that credential.