professional bio writing services

Get Your Professional Biography Done for you in 72 Hours

100% satisfaction guaranteed with unlimited revisions

Over 20 years of Experience and more than 1000 Happy Clients

We will create the perfect Executive Bio

Our clients have been hired into


Why we are different?

For over 20 years, Steven Mostyn has built a global reputation as the world-leading expert in job hunting strategies. In his career, Steven has successfully coached hundreds of professionals in their quest to find a new job. This includes helping them create custom resumes, LinkedIn Profiles, and CV’s. 

Steven Mostyn - Our lead Bio writer.

 SuperStar Resume is a top bio writing service made by Steven, and our writers get the best training in the world.  We know what hiring managers want to see in your bio and we have one focus – Help you land your dream job.

As a 3-time bestselling author on the topic of job hunting and as a former recruitment executive who guided such firms as Amazon, Deloitte, and TD Bank, Steven and his team will ensure you have all the tools you need to land that next role. 


Executive Resume Writing Service that is made by executive recruiter for C++ Jobs. Get the best service from best seller author.

Get real results from the best professional bios writers in the U.S

Click On The Sample Below And See The Full Resume.

When choosing a Bio writing service for your organization or personal use, do not risk this important service to inexperienced writing services or outsourced firms where English is not their first language. When choosing Super Star Resume as your Bio writing service you will ensure you get a Bio written by experienced bio writers with a long track record of writing bios for executives and organizations. Our Bios are written by a team of dedicated domestic bio writers, and we have a professional editor on staff. In addition, we offer unlimited revisions and a 100% money-back guarantee if you are unsatisfied with the final product. 

All Bios are edited by a professional editor

6 Months of unlimited support and changes

Keyword optimization, increasing your chances of landing high upon hiring managers' search lists.

Unlimited rewrites allowed ensuring 100% customer satisfaction.

100% Money Back Guarantee. We Trust Our Quality.

Our clients successfully land jobs in dynamic, emerging companies and large enterprises such as Amazon, Marriott, Microsoft, IBM, Wal-Mart and many more.

Still not sure? Get More bio samples.

Resume Writing Packages

Professional bio
Bio + Resume
All Included
Professional biography.
Professional resume
Tailor Made Cover Letter
Linkedin Profile
6 Months of unlimited support

How it works?

Get real results

Working with a professional writer to revamp your Bio will give you a competitive advantage.

Complete your order

Share your goals

We create the best bio

Happy client

Have Pride in your bio and Land your Dream Job


If you are looking to land that job interview invest in yourself and work with him!

Alex T

Verified Review

He was amazing at communicating with me and understanding what I was looking for out of my resume, cover letter & linkedin profile. I would definitely advise anyone to use his service and you are most definitely getting what you paid for. If you are looking to land that job interview invest in yourself and work with him!

Questions and answers

We have 25+ years of writing bios for executives and hundreds of organizations worldwide.  In addition, our CEO is a leading writer who has written multiple best sellers in HR and has written for Forbes,, and Fast Money. 

Bios are needed for many reasons, including for company websites, looking for jobs, presentations, client acquisition, online bios, and M&A. 

Technology, retail, academia, healthcare, banking, insurance, CPG, pharmaceuticals,  engineering, oil and gas, real estate, consulting, media, finance, government, and many other industries. 

Our large skilled team can handle a large number of company bios. We have experience working on large bio projects where we have met deadlines in writing the entire company’s bios for their website. 

We get all past information from our clients and have them fill out our detailed bio form. In addition, if requested we do a live bio to learn more about our clients.  From there, we work with you on drafts until you are 100% satisfied with the bio. 

Yes, we use SSL encryption and a secured payment gateway.

After you complete your purchase, you’ll receive a short form to fill out via email. Once we receive your completed form, we’ll review your details to ensure we have a complete understanding of your needs before we begin the writing process. Within 48 hours, you’ll receive the first draft of your project, and we’ll continue to work with you to make any necessary revisions until you’re completely satisfied. Our goal is to ensure that you are thrilled with the final product!

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  2. Get you money back, no questions asked!
  1. Unlimited Revisions
  2. Yes! Please write on the form that you prefer a call and we will get back to you